Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Ella had her second round of shots today. :(   she took them like a big girl though! 

She is 19 weeks today and weighs 17lb 10.5oz 93% and is 26in 94% !! She's a big girl! 

Tomorrow we will be putting her in SIZE 3 diapers... How is she getting so big so fast.

After her dramatic morning... she's snoozing away...

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  1. Oh no...I hated it when my little lady had to get her second round of shots. It seems just like yesterday. At least Ella took them like a champ!

    ox, amanda

    1. I'm pretty sure they shots hurt me more than her.. but yes she did take them like a champ! So proud! Stella will have some coming up for one year right? They grow so fast!
