Saturday, April 14, 2012


Anyone that knows me even slightly well knows that I HATE spiders.  I think they are the most pointless species out there.  I mean.. why do we need this little (not really little) eight legged creepy eyed hairy awkwardly fast crawler...  yea yea.. they eat bugs.  I'd rather have bugs!! 

When I was little.. if I would find one in the house and I was by myself I would
   a) put a glass on top of it and watch it to make sure it didn't escape and then my dad would take it outside or kill it when he got home.. or
   b) sit and watch it move.. most likely crying and calling whoever will talk to me... until my dad got home to kill it or take it outside when he got home.

So spiders... no thank you.

Weather... if you haven't noticed the weather as been on ALL the news since like Thursday.  Severe weather.. tornado.. strong winds.. hail.. etc..  well I know we aren't in the really bad part or probably even the bad part... but I HATE storms.

I love spring.. but hate the weather that comes with it.  I get nervous and anxious and stressed just by the possibility of a major storm.  Nothing happened to me as a child.. I just have a healthy fear of nature.  So when they start talking about this major weather outbreak from Texas to Minnesota.. it hits me hard.  So I am currently writing this post, watching the weather on tv, and looking at the radar online.  My stomach is in knots waiting.  It is worse now though and I believe that is because of Ella.  I don't want her to have to see anything horrible. 

So if you are in the area of bad weather.. stay safe! 

Finally...  this one fear tops anything else and I don't think anyone would understand it unless they have a child or something similar.. odd sounding but they'd understand..  it is the fear of having something happen to Ella.  It will be there her whole life so I suppose I'll just have get used to it.

Stay safe!!

1 comment:

  1. well missy the storms are a rollin' stay safe and snuggle miss E!
