Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ooooh my

I need to let off some steam tonight..

You see Ella is a great baby!  I mean A GREAT baby!  She's been sleeping 7 hours since she was about 6 weeks old and usually sleeps at least 10 hours now... she hardly fusses and when she does its because shes hungry.. rarely is it for another reason.  She loves to play with people, the dogs, and by herself.  She is entertained easily and one activity can usually last more than 15 minutes!  Do you know how much you can get done in 15 minutes??  SOOO much! 

Anyway.. Tuesday night.. while Michael and I were out to dinner.. on a date night with friends!! :) .. she started screaming and crying.   Ella has no medium.. shes either content but needing something little whimper that's barely heard or shes screaming.. like oh my god run screaming! 

The next day she was fussy in the morning... woke up earlier than normal as well.. but by the time I picked her up from her sitters she was good to go!  Until we got to my moms... once again.. the screams came out.  She is normally such a happy baby that EVERYONE in the house came running to see what happened.. because she must have fallen or something and had gotten hurt.  Oh no nothing happened.  She just wanted to scream .....

Then today.. she woke up even EARLIER.. really Ella?  Mommy loves her sleep and it is so hard to go back to no sleep when you get used to it again.  ALL morning she was unhappy.. barely smiling.. barely chatting.. barely doing anything.  She didn't want to eat.. but she wanted to eat.  She wanted me to hold her.. but she really didn't want me near her.  She wanted to be in the water for bath time... but she was cold.  She wanted to play on the floor and roll on her belly... but she didn't want to stay on her belly and she didn't want help getting back to her back.  One activity lasted about 3 minutes.. and when a baby gets up earlier than normal and her attention span is zero.. that makes for a REALLY long morning.

Luckily, I got a break and went to... work! Woohoo... (sarcasm).  Work was over too quickly (didn't accomplish all I wanted) and I was nervous to pick up Ella.  I mean.. was she grumpy all afternoon too?  Or was she happy and saving the grumps for me?  She was happy when I got there and she even SMILED when she saw me!  Ok heart... ok lungs... relax.. how can one little person cause that?

Tonight.. from about 430-745 repeat of morning.. bedtime!  830 asleep... 915 screaming... 10pm asleep... and its 1106pm and shes still sleeping!! YAY!  hope i didn't just jinx myself.

Moral of this wonderfully slightly sad story of my day... Ella is getting her first tooth and she DETESTS it!  So in reality she is hurt when she was screaming all those times.. but what can I do?  I mean she only has like how many more teeth to get?

The most annoying part... I thought I was going crazy because you canNOT feel or see anything!! I mean thats just mean... if shes this fussy when I can't feel the tooth coming through or anything.. how will she be when it does????

By the way.. as of the 915pm wake up.. I think I might have felt it!  Dear Lord I hope so!!!

Thanks for listening to me vent/tell about my day.  Also.. Ella's coming tooth is the reason I've gotten behind on just about everything in my life... how many more teeth to go again?


1 comment:

  1. oh poor baby and poor mama! teething is hard stuff, but it will get better, i promise :)

    xo, amanda
