Monday, April 2, 2012

Ella's Arrival

Since many of my posts will most likely deal with Ella, I thought I'd describe how she arrived!  It isn't bad or gross.. its a simple time by time telling.  As a side note, I don't know why but I have this need to share her arrival with anyone that shows any interest in her... I wonder if this is every new moms need?

Monday, November 28

3:30pm - weekly doctors visit - 2.5cm dilated and 90% effaced

Tuesday, November 29

2:30am - wake up to pee and thought there was a lot!  oh no! is it my water??

3:30am - Michael wakes up because he sees me on my phone... gets a little upset due to the fact I've been having contractions ever 5-8 minutes for an hour and I didn't wake him up... I was just making sure it was real.

4:00am - arrive at hospital with HORRIBLE contractions... turns out I'm having "back labor" wonderful

4:20am - my water breaks.. guess that was just pee before!

6:30am - finally admitted to the hospital ... holy crap... just realized I'm not leaving til I have her...

7:00am - I get an epidural and don't even notice the needle!

7:10am - all sorts of people come running into the room... both Ella and mine's heart rates dropped...
               Ella's heart  rate = 40  My heart rate = 90/50

7:18am - both come back up after many movements, shots, and IV fluids... they gave me epinephrine and also something to stop my contractions so Ella could 'catch up'

8:00am - 3.5cm dilated and 100% effaced and heart rates stable

11:30am - 5cm dilated and everything looking good

1:30pm - starting pitocin because contractions never really picked back up after shot to stop them

4:00pm - max pitocin reached and still at 5cm and my epidural doesn't quite work well on one side :(

5:00pm - dr asks if I want to wait an hour or go have a c-section ... we have a c-section

5:51pm - Ella Grace Finley has arrived! She goes to Daddy while I get sewed up! She does go to the NICU for corio (infection of amniotic sac) ... she did not have it thank goodness!

Thursday, December 1

11:00am - Ella comes down from the NICU to stay with us for our last night in the hospital

Friday, December 2

3:30pm - discharged from the hospital!

As a side note: I did skip over the recovery of the c-section because I don't want to remember it :)  It was very painful and if we decide to have another baby.. I will do anything I can to not have another c-section.  And to people who are expecting and may have a c-section.. do not worry it's not that scary and it'll be over before you know it.  Lastly, they believe the reason our heart rates went down is because they didn't allow enough IV fluids in me before they gave me the epidural... meaning I was slightly dehydrated.  All is well!!

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