Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Goals Update!

I realized it has been quite awhile since I've spoken about my goals.. and the reason is.. I procrastinate!
big surprise... not!

Well I'm forcing myself to give a little update to my many goals in life... specifically the ones I wrote about several weeks ago... need a reminder?

Well here goes nothing...

First - Life - I am still happy and healthy and so is everyone in my family! Yay!

Second - Michael and Ella - A. well we've been going in spurts of eating healthy dinners at home.  We have been on a bad kick though since Ella had a cold for a couple weeks followed by me having an ear infection.. but I went grocery shopping last night and I have a roast in the crock pot as we speak!  So hopefully this time it'll last longer!
B. Oh I am making all of Ella's food so far!  So proud of myself for sticking with it for the first few weeks.  I've been grinding the rice and oatmeal myself and cooking it on the stove!  Ella loves it!  She tried her first juice this week!  Pear juice!  Who woulda thought it'd be pear juice?
C. Eating at the table... honestly... we have failed MISERABLY.. but we are getting an old new dining room table soon.. so heres to hoping!
D. Enjoying time together with no tv?  umm yes!  We actually have been doing good at this!  We are in the living room but we aren't watching tv.. we are watching Ella!  It is very easy to not watch tv while we are together when we have a little one who is discovering new things every day!!

Third - Financial - still in debt? yep.  8 month savings? nope. started saving for college? nope.. but I think my dad might have.  Well these things take time.  I can't unload thousands of dollars to get rid of all our debt... common sense tells me to relax on this and do what you can.

Fourth- prayer - Ella and I pray every night together as part of our bedtime routine.  

Well there are those goals!  I guess I'll keep working on them.... 

I have more goals?? No!  Okay... yes I do.

Oh yea... I went without soda for 2 full weeks!  ... then Ella got sick or we moved her to her crib and I needed caffeine.  Not a coffee drinker.. so back to square one.. still drinking soda but thinking about quitting.  And fruits and veggies.. not horrible not bad.. definitely not twice a day but definitely more often than before.  So yay!

Exercise.. don't even ask.  On a plus side.. I haven't gained any weight... :)

I'm sure you've got this one already.. but yes Ella is sleeping in her crib still!  It is quite funny though.. for a little girl who HATED being on her belly the first 5 months of her life.. she sure does love sleeping on it lately.. is this normal?

I'll be trying to get reach these goals still!  Do you have any new goals you'd like to share?

Have a good Wednesday!!!!

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