Monday, July 30, 2012

8 months old!

Miss Ella-

Yet another month has gone by - so many firsts for you - holding a bottle, crawling, sitting from laying, new foods, new drinks, new textures - you overwhelm me.  By the way.. never say 'overwhelm' around papa, just say 'whelm.'  So a new month, and so many new hopes and dreams. 

I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say you'll never stop worrying.  At first, the worries were eating enough, pooping enough, sleeping enough (on your back!), etc.  Now its more like oh please don't eat that, don't touch that, don't pull on that, oh no thats a sharp edge, is the gate sturdy enough? 

The other day, I bought you new pjs.  I had to buy pants and a shirt!  No more footie pjs.. at least not until I can find some in your size.. 12months!  Daddy and I watched you sleep last night, like every night, except we realized that you are more than half the length of the crib now!  You used to take up like a quarter of it.  I'm honestly biting my nails as I write this because it makes me so happy, anxious, scared, and more due to you getting sooo big soo soon!  8months!  You are 3/4 of a year old!  If I knew you'd never read this, I would swear as to how that affects me.  (Did I use that word right or is it 'effect'? Hopefully you will be better at grammar than me.) 

Your crawling ALL over the place makes me smile soo much, but my favorite thing is watching you go from laying on your belly and moving backward to sit on your butt!  It is so darn adorable. 

I'm so excited for this month, so we can continue our 'firsts' together!  Hopefully it'll be cooler outside so we can spend more time in the sun.  You are amazing.

Love always and forever,

p.s. I love hearing you say mamamamama and then look at me!  Daddy will love it when you say dada too.  Don't take too long to say it!  :)

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