Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Goals Update!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Taco Night!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Ella update
Miss Ella is trying really hard to crawl!!! Look how close she is!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Pride and Prejudice

Look what I found at bn ... Barnes and Noble...
This is possibly my favorite book and I can and have read it over and over again! The movie isn't bad either!!!
I am ecstatic to have found a board book of it! Bn had a few different classics like this...
I wondered how they could make it into a board book... Turns out its a counting book! Like that Christmas song 12 Days of Christmas.
Check out the few snap shots of it I took. Sorry it looks odd... my lighting wasn't working right!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
I went to the doctor due to my cold and cough that will not go away! I saw yet another doctor... not my normal one. This one said a few surprisingly things...
1 - I have an ear infection... Weird since they haven't bothered me.
2 - I have an allergy! Really? I have never had allergies in my life. How is it possible?
3 - I may have asthma! Now this is just crazy..
You would think I'd have found one of these out in my 25 years... I am refusing to admit the doctor is right. I don't think my throat and chest would've gotten this bad if the doctor I saw last week had given me meds! If I had seen my normal doctor I would've been fine.
So now I'm taking the zpak, zyrtec, and an inhaler! Isn't this crazy? Now I think if I don't believe I have allergies and such then maybe I should stop taking the pill and inhaler.. but I want to feel better so I'm going to take it.
I plan to make tacos tonight! I use my own spices... Maybe I'll share the recipe! I just need to remember to do it...
Yay for hump day!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Ode to Swing!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
My name is Fresco
I'm Fresco! I'm a pure bred toy fox terrier and I love to run, jump, and bark! My favorite thing is to chase the squirrels in the yard! I swear they tease me on purpose. Why else would they shake their little bushy tails at me!! I'll get one some day! I also like to chase dogs, cats, birds, leaves, people, children, balls, toys, and bugs! Anything that moves I know I can catch!
I can jump higher than the door handle and if my mommy and daddy aren't careful I will scamper out the door to find something outside to chase! I've done it a couple times and man was it fun! Although I kinda got in trouble when they saw me.. it's not like I was lost, but they did find me even when I woulda came right back.. after I caught everything I could see! It was fun! I did it once when mommy had a big belly.. before the noisy little human came along.. and she had to walk all around and man did she look tired by the time I decided to come to her! Then I did it again just a few days ago and this time mommy didn't have a voice! I felt bad for her so I came when she whistled..
I love my mommy and daddy and the little human also! They let me snuggle up next to them every night! My favorite is mommy because daddy moves too much. I really like it when they rub my belly! I like to fall asleep like that too!
My big brother Max is fun sometimes too. He lets me pull on his ears and nose and fur! He doesn't like to play too often though.. but when it's nice out I can stay outside for soooooo long!!! Then I can chase and catch those squirrels who tease me! One time I did catch a bug! It was crawling on the deck and I went and smelled it and licked it right up! ... and everyone says I'll never catch anything! Ha! I showed them!
Ok. Time to go bark at the neighbors dog.. and their neighbors dogs.. and the other neighbors dog and anyone walking or driving down the street!
Love Fresco
PS Mommy and daddy call me Little Buddy :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Number 2
- Ella will have someone to play with
- We miss the 'newborn' stage
- I want another go at labor haha
- We both have siblings... seems natural to have more than one child
- We want to give Ella everything she deserves
- We don't want to take time away from Ella
- It's expensive
- We like our sleep
- Ella walks
- We go on a family vacation
- We fix up parts of the house
- Find a good park
- Make more money :)
- Pay off current bills (hospital, car, credit card)
- Take Ella out to eat
- Sleep in past 730am many many times
- Do arts and crafts with Ella
- Celebrate a few more birthdays
- Go to a couple zoos with Ella
- Spend many afternoons outside with Ella
- Go swimming with Ella
- Ella is out of diapers?
- Take a sewing class
- Relearn Spanish and French?
- Take Ella horseback riding
- Spend the night just the two of us
- Get another dog?
- Paint the bathroom