Friday, June 29, 2012
7 Months Old
I never realized how much I wanted you until I found out you were growing in my belly. I have so many dreams for you. They started out small, just like you. As you grow, my dreams for you grow. Let's start at the beginning... my very first dream for you was for you to be healthy and safe inside me. When it was time for you to enter the world.. I hope you'll never understand how incredibly terrified I was when your heart rate dropped during delivery. I knew you were in the best care. Then I was even more terrified to find out you had to go to the NICU. I even cried... the only time. I couldn't believe it, you weren't early or anything! Again, I had to remind myself that you were with great people who knew what they were doing. I prayed though. In fact, I prayed for you every night when you were growing in my belly and I still do every night while you sleep. I pray for you to be ok, healthy, happy, safe, and that nothing bad happens to you. So far my dreams and prayers have come true!
Now, that you are 7 months old, I dream of you getting big and doing things little girls do... walk, talk, run, sing, pick flowers, chase puppies, play dress-up, color... I can't wait to do these things with you!
In just a few short years you'll be off to school... and then I'm sure you will meet a boy and then get your heart broken or break someone's heart... college.. marriage.. babies... It makes me so full of joy to think you prospering in life. I know you will because you are smart, beautiful, sweet, kind, and even stubborn - unfortunately you get that from me :) In fact.. your more than a quarter German and more than a quarter Irish...lucky for you this combination has made you more beautiful than either mommy or daddy ever thought possible.
I'm getting ahead of myself though. I don't want to think about what your life will be like in 5, 10, 20 years.. I want to think about today and now! You learn new things every day and I'm thankful I get to see this happen! For instance, today (6/29/12) was the first time you put your hand/fingers in your food and then ate the food off! You'd never done that before.. just squeezed the food! Amazing!
Anyway.. I have so many thoughts in my head about you and for you that I think from time-to-time I will write to you for both our benefits...
Love you forever and always,
p.s. daddy loves you too.. but not as much as mommy :)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I just can't do it
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Workin on it!
I have had this one bad habit for a long time off and on of course..
I'm almost ashamed to admit it.. but I bite my nails. I did it when I was little...
then at like 6th grade I stopped! I grew my nails out so long, my sister forced me to cut them.
Then in high school I started again... and then when I was getting married in college.. I stopped!
After the wedding I moved back to Cedar Rapids and began driving to Cedar Falls about 4 times a week.. therefore.. I started again..
When I found out I was pregnant with miss Ella.. I stopped and my nails grew long again!
After she was born.. it was a lot of work to take care of her.. so they stayed at a decent length.
Once she wasn't quite so much work.. probably at like 8 weeks.. I started again...
There are at least 2 common denominators here... 1- big events got me to stop and 2- I start driving more when I start biting more.
You see.. I don't bite my nails because I'm nervous, I do it because I'm bored........... so when I drive and I have a hand free.. I bite. When I'm holding Ella while she's sleeping... I bite. When I'm reading a book and I have a hand free.. I bite.
I cannot seem to stop. But I'm trying to because its disgusting! Yet.. I'm not being able to. I have all my friends and family yell at me to stop if they see me do it because I don't even realize I'm doing it! It is quite frustrating!
However... I think I have found a new weapon to defeat this bad habit... I recently found my Greek worry beads! If you've ever been to Greece.. I'm sure you'd recognize these because they were EVERYWHERE when I went and they entertain me so well.
So.. while I'm driving or reading a book or doing something that only takes one hand.. I'm going to have my worry beads in the other... they are fun to use and seem to have been working the past couple days...
So sorry to have to inform you of my yucky bad habit that I've been fighting most my life... don't worry though.. I will win this war!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Bedtime Routine
Anyway.. I decided I'd share how we do this bedtime thing at our house.
Most nights at around 730pm I give baby girl a bath. Note: Daddy has never given her a bath.. I think hes scared haha! She loves bath time and loves being in the big tub! I don't know how she moves around so much in the tub since she doesn't crawl yet...
Next we dry off while in the bathroom looking in the mirror..
Then we lay her on the changing table to put a diaper on her; note: she is screaming usually..
Next daddy comes in and gets her in some pjs and rocks with her and plays with her while I'm 'closing the house'.. I shut the blinds, curtains, turn lights off, get bottle ready, and get her blankie..
Then I come in and 'close up her room'.. turn on little lamp. shut blinds, turn on ceiling fan, and her other fan..
Next I take baby girl from daddy at about 750pm and we rock and I usually say something like "Dear Lord, thank you for our wonderful day with so and so. Please have tomorrow be a good day, and make sure I don't get sick, and please have me sleep good tonight in my crib. Thank you. Love Ella. Amen."
Then we read three book: Goodnight Moon, llama llama nighty-night, and Good Night.

Next I sing her threeish songs.. I have a horrible voice but oh well.. we do 2 versions of "You are my sunshine".. the original way and then I replace sunshine with Ella for the second time... then "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and finally I sing the 4 lines in our favorite book Love You Forever "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"...
Finally at 8pm I tell her I love her and give her a bottle out on the couch for a little more cuddle time and shes generally asleep within 20minutes and we put her in her crib.
Now I know I know.. I shouldn't do the bottle and I should let her fall asleep on her own.. but darnit.. it is one of my favorite times of the day! She's fallen asleep on her own in the crib before. If she's not asleep by the time she eats 4oz or by like 830 845 then I put her in the crib and see if she will.
One day I'll stop.. but how long is she gonna be this little for?
Good luck with bedtime!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Some new food!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Miss Ella
a big girl! She was sitting in her car seat with a cup of juice in her hand looking out the window! I couldn't believe it. It hit me right then.. she's growing up. I actually called daddy and told him right then (which is rare since he doesn't normally answer) he answered though! And he said "well she is a big girl!"
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
long week
What a week! With michaels family from Texas here and my grandma here from Spencer... We haven't had a chance to slow down! All the while miss ella seems to still have some cold bug or something... Doctor said may be allergies. Seriously? Already? Isn't she too young for that! I don't have pictures unfortunately but let's recap.
Thursday - dinner with his fam at cranky hanks.. delicious but ella was also cranky..
Friday - dinner with my fam. Ella was really good. However refused bed and screamed for almost an hour due to over tiredness.
Saturday - out with my dad grandma sister and niece. Went to Walmart menards. Hyvee. Wendys. Starbucks. Then I think dinner with them also. Yes. Papa murphys.
Sunday - fathers day :) Michael had to work but we went to my dads and my sister dad and us went to menards again. And other places. Then fam dinner with Mikes fam at his parents. Mexican. Delicious. However they don't have ac. So HOT. Ella and I had to leave early since she couldn't cool down :(
Monday - while I worked 10-2 mike and ella went to lunch with his fam at hyvee. Then his nephew ella and him went to Walmart. I got home and after a couple hours went back to my dads and my sister dad grandma brother in law and new nephew went to Walmart to finally buy patio furniture. They only had 2/3 that dad wanted. Ella was way hot again. Went home and was good. Today - stayed home until 615! Then met dad sister niece grandma at home depot. Bought more patio furniture. Then dads to eat and put stuff together...
So since Thursday ... Ella went to bed on time twice!
Here's hoping to a slower rest of week!