Friday, March 30, 2012

Goals Goals Goals

How many goals can one person have?  Just by thinking about my life and what I want to do with it, I have come up with 12 different areas in my world that I have goals in!  I can't even imagine completing all of these, but it's nice to see things on paper... or internet... and then when I do accomplish one or two or how ever many I get to cross them off!!  Sometimes I put items on my lists that I've already done just so I can cross them off!

Here are few of my oh so many goals... the smallest area is 'Life' and it includes being happy and healthy.  As of right now.. I can cross off both of those things because I am extremely happy and as healthy as I've been in awhile.  Now I can always improve on these, but at the moment I feel good enough that I can cross them off!

Next is family goals... Michael and Ella... I want to be able to eat at home more nights than not and have the food be healthy!  I want to make Ella's baby food.  I want to eat at the table together every night.  I want to have time set aside every day where it is just us three and we are enjoying each other.. with no tv!

Financial goals... I hate spending money.. I would rather spend money on bills and getting out of debt than buy myself a new pair of shoes.  Some people think this is crazy and call me a 'penny pincher' and you know what, they are right!  I do all the money in our family.  I'm the 'saver' and Michael is the 'spender' and it works for us.  I have many many goals for this area but the top three would be 1)debt free 2)8 month savings 3)Ella college savings.  We will get there and I don't think it'll take as long as I think.. hopefully.

Lastly, prayer/religion... I grew up Catholic and went to a Catholic school my entire life.. until college.  So I'm not very religious and I don't do anything religious unless forced to by my Grandma :)  however, it is nice to believe in something bigger than me, something I can put my trust into even if its not real.  I do believe in God, but I only recently started praying and that's because of Ella.  I thank God every night for her and to keep her safe.  Who knows if it helps or not.. but for some reason something from my childhood came back and snuck into my head.

My life is unbelievable at the moment and I am enjoying every second.. but in the back of my mind are ALL of my goals.. and no matter what I always find myself striving for more.. more time.. more comfort.. more everything...

Goals keep me motivated, even if I can't cross some of them off!


  1. So overall, what is your goal for the religious aspect of your life? Are you wanting to raise Ella as Catholic, and get back into the church. Or in general just getting back into like a "spiritual place"

    1. a more 'spiritual place' because I don't think Michael would want to raise her Catholic, since he is not. Just making sure she has an understanding of being spiritual and knowing she will be able to make her own decisions on it. However, I do want her to go to a Catholic school...
